Cole must do the request in order to gain a positive outcome.
#Infamous 2 karma free
Hanging : Cole must free the hanged civilian to save him from the crowd's wrath.The Ray Sphere : Cole must destroy the Ray Sphere.Saving the Doctors : Cole must save the six doctors instead of Trish in order to gain the positive outcome.The Golem Conduit : Cole must let the golem throw the keg in order to save the pedestrians nearby the golem, but getting heavily injured in the process.Choosing a Poster : Cole must choose the blue poster of him holding a lightning bolt.
Tar Kegs : Cole must use the shockwave in order to blow the keg off of the tower, while subsequently spraying himself with tar.Train Rescue : Cole must maintain his Good Karma during the mission in order to gain a positive outcome in the mission.Tar Valve : Cole must turn the valve himself instead of the civilian, despite getting splattered with tar once more.Opening the Sewer Door : Cole must go in front of the cage door and try to persuade Brandon Carey that his wife is dead, in order to pass through the door.Escaping Empire City : Cole must blast the police force while in front of the crowd, so that only he and Zeke will take the heat from them.Food Drop : Cole must leave the civilians alone so they can take the food.Present in Infamous are the Karmic Moments, where Cole is given two choices, one of which will gain him positive Karma. Cole can use his Pulse Heal ability to heal the civilian to help him/her back up on his/her feet. While roaming around, Cole may encounter downed civilians along his way. Also, in order for Cole to gain more positive Karma after a fight, Cole must use Arc Restraint on the subdued enemies. It is wise to use more accurate attacks such as Precision and Lightning Bolt in order to attack enemies more accurately, and also without the consequence of hurting the civilians. That means Cole must be cautious when using attacks that have a wide area of effect, such as the Thunder Drop and Shock Grenade. Also, when Cole is fighting some nearby hostiles, civilians will often hurl rocks at them, and if a police unit is present, they will fight alongside Cole.ĭuring combat, Cole must avoid hurting the civilians at all cost. A crowd of civilians will often swarm around Cole, taking pictures and giving praise to Cole. Hero - The third and final rank, Cole is much beloved by the civilians and police force of his city.Posters of Cole will also start appearing around districts: unlike when Cole has evil Karma, these will not be vandalized. Cole is also sometimes approached by several civilians when they are in need of help (though this occasionally happens even if his Karma level is Infamous). Champion - The second rank, Cole is beloved by the civilians, giving high praises and comments to Cole as he roams the city.Guardian - The first rank, Cole remains unnoticed by the crowd, only giving minor praise and positive side comments about his actions.In this state, Cole's Electricity appears as a bluish white, while Delsin's Smoke will appear orange-gray and less splashed, his Neon will appear faded and pinkesh-purple and his Video will appear bluish green. In this state, Cole MacGrath and Delsin Rowe are more calm and collected, and also show concern for the civilians around them in Empire City, New Marais, and Seattle. 3.2 Good Karma Opportunities (Infamous 2).